Friday, February 13, 2009

Away We Go No Matter What

One day as I sat in a coffee shop observing people and writing, I jotted this into my journal;

An older well-rounded man rolls into the cafe in his wheelchair. He's wearing a green spring zippered jacket and a ball cap. He grins as he says, "And away we go no matter what." to no-one in particular. Then he wheels over to an elderly man with grey hair dressed in blue and also wearing a ball cap. He is seated at a small table near the counter. They appear to know each other. They poke each other and laugh like little mischievous boys. The one in the wheelchair attempts to crumble the newspaper his friend is reading.

"Go away," the man reading the paper says softly. "You're bothering me." He doesn't sound angry.

His friend in the wheelchair ignores him and continues pestering. They both laugh. Then the wheelchair man quotes words from a 60's song; "Hit the road, Jack and don't ya come back no more, no more, no more, no more." After he finishes "singing", he wheels out. I hear him say, "And away we go no matter what."

I watch him leave. Yes, there he goes, no matter what.
Sometimes we're rooted to the ground by fear, unable to move forward and do what we ought to do. The fear might be one of failure or of certain people and the power they hold.

As the young man David ran from the crazed King Saul who hunted him relentlessly, he feared for his life. Each time that he feared, he encouraged himself with these words; "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" David also penned the famous words of Psalm 23 that often is referred to as the Lord's Prayer; "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me..."

When we have a true relationship with Jesus we need not be afraid for He is a faithful friend who sticks close by always. Can you bravely say; "And away we go no matter what."?

Psalm 27:1
Psalm 23:4

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